- 一塌糊塗
- (一塌糊塗, 一塌糊涂)
郭沫若 《我的學生時代》: “新開設的中學, 更是一塌糊塗, 笑話百出。”亦作“ <<一榻胡塗>> ”、“ <<一塌胡塗>> ”。魯迅 《書信集‧致曹靖華》: “《鐵流》在 北平 有翻版了, 壞紙錯字, 弄得一榻胡塗。”曹禺 《北京人》第二幕: “我的運氣不好, 處處倒楣, 碰釘子, 事業一到我手裏就莫名其妙地弄得一塌胡塗。”
Ханьюй Да Цыдянь. 1975—1993.
Ханьюй Да Цыдянь. 1975—1993.
List of words censored by search engines in the People's Republic of China — The government of the People s Republic of China has set up a system of internet censorship, intending to block internet users within Mainland China from accessing material deemed undesirable, such as foreign news sites, sites with dissident… … Wikipedia